If life is what we make of it
How important is our perception?
Does our vision really shape our reality?
Is our ability to internalize the external surroundings
More important than what is really set before us?
I can tell so much about a person
By what they choose to see in others.
Do they see the flaws and what makes him, human?
Or do they see the soul that merely desires to be uplifted?
I don't think we need to look at the world through rose colored lenses
and gloss over whatever negatives are present
I just feel like we put too much stake in our own masks
While mocking the ones that other's choose to adorn
in hopes of making someone just notice them.
But I feel like we often miss the beauty of the rose
Because our fear won't let us see past the thorn.
When some get caught up in a game of wanting to be loved
They are only scorned.
We don't always treat people as if they were fearfully and wonderfully made
We don't always feel like we were either
And we have to change that.
It's not truth if what they perceive is an illusion anyway
That's like believing in a magic trick-
Or politicians-
or that certain colors make you look like you lost weight
You're still the same regardless.
A lot of the pain in this world comes from faulty understanding
And lack of critical thinking skills lead to misconceived notions
And those become reality in its own way.
But no matter how dark the dark gets
It can't change the fact
That it has only one, single, solitary way to react
When faced with the illumination of it's only natural enemy.
See, darkness can only exist where light is not present
And enlightenment itself is a form of luminescence
Given to all so freely in abundance
Turn away from the mockers who drink violence
And subsist off of our emotions
And taste freedom on your tongue
And swallow it down into your throat
Let it permeate into your very nature and fix what once was broken
Mama Said
She said only those with skin like us can understand how to make US better But I wonder why it is that those with skin like us is what caused us to search for salvation to begin with Don't trust the white man is what we are taught But if your own folks cause you pain then who is there left to trust? It's not that we don't think that there's a better way than what we know it's just that we don't want others to see our shame. Men who shared my heritage and struggle Were the ones who taught me I was worthless Women who had the same affectations in their voices and words as I do Were the ones who always made me feel like an outsider We do wrong too It doesn't matter what skin color reveals to our eyes because it will never reveal the truth of ones character-what's really inside Ones actions in the heat of the moment may betray ones true passions But even those are not indicative of who you are Passions come and go Like waters and waves they ebb and flow Contradict what's in a man's head Lack of logic leads to our most primal instinct Passion and skin may as well be disposable as far as worthy judgments go It's the daily intent The cultivation of proper intention And the release of ones understanding and purpose Developed habits that become a person My skin will not define me And neither will my ethnicity Though I see similarities in the beautiful slope of my, cultural sisters, eyes She is not automatically one I choose to be aligned with. The struggle of MY people refer to those who know that they are in need of Him. I don't want to be consumed with the passing tides of society's current offense Let me be alone to learn what I need to do to please the One who created Everything that is in existence. I will hate what He hates Because His way don't change Although ethics and morals according to OUR standard may differ Truth says that He stays the same yesterday, today, and forever I sometimes wish I could unzip my skin Let them see what's underneath Of all of us is not so different Maybe the sight of our flesh beneath the cutaneous would be less offensive and divisive I say that tongue in cheek but whatever If we were all blind A kind word would still illuminate If we were all deaf A simple hug would speak volumes
Flickered Out
The light of realization
Always flares in spite of resistance
Flicker in and out
But shines in indignation
Men and women lead revolt
Fueled by waves of their emotions
Carrying anger and rage for others
Flailing arms and screaming mouths
Drowning in the ocean
They must needs justification
So they cry for Justice
War paint on faces
Only to be led even further astray
Down the path of their own way
Ignorance is not bliss
As some ignorant would say
It is merely a distraction
From facing and dealing with the pain
We put on masks just like a clown
Set flames to the edges watch the whole place burn down
And all for what?
Fear is a repercussion of
Having no enlightenment
It comes from choosing to remain
in a blanket of darkness
Anger and
It hates the light
Because the Light displaces darkness
And gives not
Room for a blanket
Or covering
People become shocked
People become shocked
at the starkness
Of their own logic
Or lack thereof
It's like they are naked
Although this vulnerability comes with a price
What one receives is
So much more valuable
Take my advice
Open your mind
Guard your heart
Our emotions are deceitful it's been that way from the start.
Stop letting fear determine who you are
You are a Poem to me
It's like my mind is always going
Everything I see I see in Poem
Melodies of words
Cadence from ear to ear
Sometimes getting lost in a dream or reverie
You could say that about 95% of my day
Is devoted to creating
Rhymes and verses about
Washing dishes, how cluttered my purse is
You know just
Everyday things
Because, whatever I do
I can't escape it; words have such power over me
In other words, besides those already spoken
You are in everything I see
In my mind I've never misspoken
But out loud sometimes the message becomes broken
My tears of Joy, sadness or anger sometimes the token
Of having a spirit of overwhelming emotion
Toward someone as magnificent and amazing as You.
When I clean the bathrooms
I do it singing
Praises of wonder while I'm surrounded
By comet, bleach and hot water
Because there's more to everything than meets the eye
Whatever I am on the outside
It only matters what I am within
Does my smile hide my heart's cry?
Or is it a reflection
Of the joy because past hurts and sins
Have been
Washed away and now forgiven?
I want to be realistic and logical
But sometimes reality is better than my dreams though
And I am grateful, so grateful
For You
My Muse
Everything about my character I want lined up with what You do
How you think, what you see
Sometimes I feel I'm on the brink
Of going insane
Until You remind me of who I am again
So, I keep Your Name upon my lips
Your spirit flow will be evidenced
In the way I walk
The way I talk
The way I live
Until this book is fully written.
Mirror Mirrorr
I reason within reason
My personality goes with the seasons
My light may dim and flicker
But it will never die.
The pictures a distraction
Our reactions just a fraction
Of the truth and heart of the matter
Our obsession with the morbid
Our attraction to our anger
Fans the flames of destruction
Vultures feed upon blood splatters
Rumors of war
Twitterverse explaining
With what little information
it may have pertaining-
To nothing at all, really.
Our voices speak in unison
Put our words into motion
Causing yet more division
Between what's us and them.
But little do we know
the more we isolate
The house once standing on foundation
Now broken, desolate.
Our self-righteous indignation
is merely a deflection
of the sin that we have present
within our own existence.
Our hatred a reflection
Of our greatest fears
But I am rested
in blessed assurance
that I am not alone
And I will carry on
When I look upon this mirror
I see my face is gone.
My opinion
Is important to me,
But in the greatest scheme of things
Maybe not as great as He.
I empty myself of all of me
I want to be a reconciled
to the One that created me
to the One that created me
A redeemed soul
Nothing less, please
and nothing more.
Sometimes laying our swords
down is the greatest act of strength in war
Sometimes reasoning is better than defeating
Sometimes a kind word turns away wrath
Sometimes it's not too late to turn back
But you only get that one chance.
The tongue of the wise
makes knowledge acceptable
Maybe they didn't receive your Word
Because your methods were contemptible
But what do I know?
I'm just a nobody, like everybody else.
Sometimes laying our swords
down is the greatest act of strength in war
Sometimes reasoning is better than defeating
Sometimes a kind word turns away wrath
Sometimes it's not too late to turn back
But you only get that one chance.
The tongue of the wise
makes knowledge acceptable
Maybe they didn't receive your Word
Because your methods were contemptible
But what do I know?
I'm just a nobody, like everybody else.
What seemed like living the high life became something that was death to me
My need for alcohol began drowning me
Because I would wake up everyday needing a sip
Or a pint
My ability to speak and function confined
By the bars of this jail, this second bottle of wine
My yearning for necklaces made by Tiffany
Began choking me
To the point where nothing my husband ever bought me was
Pleasing to an adequate degree
I became bitter when my neck and my wrists were not adorned
With the intricate brilliance
And my husband's love, scorned
I began to suffocate from the tight clothing I wore
My intentions to have eyes focus on my body's undulations
And movements because I loved how my curves
Could draw attention
And I became anorexic
Beauty on the outside, sickness on the inside like pure contradiction
What does my salvation mean to me?
I am now free from the tyranny of a world that wants to rule me
Men who want to bed me
And women who want to defeat me
I don't want to spend my life in competition
With my sisters, my kindred spirits, no other women
I don't want to down another drink
Just to hide the guilt of allowing
Yet another perverted, disgusting, non-committal man to touch me
I don't want to put another line up my nose
So I can stem this pain, emotional
I just want to be at peace
With this woman I have come to terms with being
I don't buy into the hype that I have to be one way or another-
Because I find I am typical in every regard
In that I am like a rubix cube of many personalities
Sometimes serious, sometimes funny
My best pictures are taken candidly
Most times even keeled, sometimes on the brink of insanity,
With a tenacity to be better than my yesterday me,
Sometimes spiritual, despite my humanity.
A multi-faceted umpteen carat diamond-
Bravery, femininity, weakness and strength my mixture
The Curse of Adam
Recently all these things have come to light
This new process of learning called common core has got everybody in a fight
Like, we were so used to the old way of learning
That any threat to the way things were just is unacceptable
We always say "things ain't like they used to be
In my day we had it so great"
Yet day in day out we work to give our kids a better life than what we had
Does nobody see the contradiction or the twist in the logic
Other than me?
I mean, the way that my mind works is
I heard both sides of this current hot topic
and I asked myself
What is the big deal?
Not because I don't care, or because I'm in agreement
I just like to question everything
And find out the answers
And then make a determination
So what if my children learn something in a different way than I did?
As long as they know Truth
Can't no standards of secular education twist that
They can do what it takes to better their education
If it makes them viable for college, or a global job market
Like it says, then whether or not
I can do the math as good as them
Isn't really that much of an issue
I can learn it if they can too
But I can also argue for the other side
I'm American, I'm good at arguing
But I have argued myself until I was blue in the face against it
And aint' nothing changed
Not only that but like
People got so twisted over public education
They don't want teachers to rule our children
But they want them to be responsible for a large part of the raising process
To me it's kind of like a double standard
I mean something has got to give
And I sat and pondered
We become educated so that we can have a job
We work at that job in order to pay for our education
Supposedly we better ourselves in the process
But I have yet to see any proof of this
Spend most of our lives in some type of system
Education then work then retirement stipends...
We become educated so that we can have a job
We work at that job in order to pay for our education
Supposedly we better ourselves in the process
But I have yet to see any proof of this
Spend most of our lives in some type of system
Education then work then retirement stipends...
Like, Americans in general are a slave to mass consumption
We work just to assume loans and credit
And become slaves to our debt
My 'dream house' is still literally a dream
Because until I can pay the bank off
It don't belong to me
I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
to disappear
Leave this madness called life and run away to the woods
or the mountains
Even if I do my best to live a holy life
The money I spend on everyday things goes to one side or the other in this fight
Starbucks funnels money to those who are anti-traditional marriage
A well known fact but Christians be buying this overpriced coffee by the gallon
It don't even taste that good
But I haven't had Starbucks in a minute
Gas is expensive
Big corporations have faulty and immoral business practices
Some of them even put money into the hands of those connected with terrorists
And this is my legacy, my contribution as well
Because I choose to buy
Whatever they sell
But this culture is so prevalent you really can't run from it
We just have to realize our impact on one another
is so inextricably connected.
Due to the rise in the usage of social media outlets
All of a sudden everyone is an expert in something
But nobody cares to dig deeper than the surface
We just want instant gratification
See! This guy agrees with me, I'ma retweet him
So all my followers can know and see that I am validated
Wikipedia and Google; Internet the information Superhighway
It's a shame that we are fine with just settling for the rhetoric
It's sad when we can't think deeper than how something will affect us on a micro scale.
We are willfully ignorant
Choose a side because from where we stand
It looks like there's a difference
Politicians be good at feeding off our emotions
On a grander scale
We all just need salvation
From this beast that we have created
From others,
Our way of thinking.
Realize that there is someone higher
a purpose much deeper
Than Me.
My Voice
Hear Me
I will not be silenced because of your indignation
The cadence of My Voice
Places emphasis on the situation
The inflection of My Words
Spoken a reflection
of my inner soul
A heart once broken
now mended
And whole.
So I speak clear
Though others may jeer
I will not be dismayed
I will speak with intent sharp enough
To wipe that jeer off their face
So I speak clear
Though others may jeer
I will not be dismayed
I will speak with intent sharp enough
To wipe that jeer off their face
I speak my truth
Though it may be of no consequence to you
I am cognizant of my audience
I must relate importance
And power without dominance
Forgive my brusqueness
But I must insist on being persistent-
My Voice
It waivers and becomes thin not by choice
At others it booms high in rejoice
Sometimes even I am caught unaware of what's inside
Not that I purposely hide
Anything in the recesses of my mind
It's just my heart decides when it will confide
The message inside
Express it outside by-
my Voice.
When I put on a show of bravado
The timbre of my voice
May be somewhat low
But still you can hear it shaking though
Like at times when I'm trying to talk myself into feeling-
Braver than I really feel
My heart sometimes needs a pep talk before my true nature is revealed
With my voice I roar in triumph
After crying and griping my way through trials
Obstacles sometimes look like Goliath
But I can be one of those hard headed chicks
Somewhat defiant
And at times I have a 'never say die' attitude
While at others, I would rather curl up in bed
and let someone else just handle it
...my voice?
Is so funny at times
Like I can say the same word once, or twice
and they be sounding completely different like day and night
Sometimes ravaged by angst
While at others I am giving thanks
Like when I call to You.
On my knees it felt like I could never get up again at times
Only to now look back and say
I guess it wasn't so bad I mean
Look at where I am today
my voice
Drowned out by a simple whisper
Reassurance that You will always be here
You will not leave me or forsake me
I am with a hope, a comforter
You know the thoughts you have for me
Never evil; always peace
No matter what there remains a promise just for me
my voice
Reveals you are strongest when I am weak
Pure Truth I will always aim to speak
Sometimes ravaged by angst
While at others I am giving thanks
Like when I call to You.
On my knees it felt like I could never get up again at times
Only to now look back and say
I guess it wasn't so bad I mean
Look at where I am today
my voice
Drowned out by a simple whisper
Reassurance that You will always be here
You will not leave me or forsake me
I am with a hope, a comforter
You know the thoughts you have for me
Never evil; always peace
No matter what there remains a promise just for me
my voice
Reveals you are strongest when I am weak
Pure Truth I will always aim to speak
Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.
Meditate on Your Words so I can come to grips
With the understanding that by you I find strength
I am equipped
my voice
Does nothing of any importance
If I don't speak in accordance
With your love; some may put on a good performance
But it's all just lip service if they come
of their own volition.
I come in peace that surpasses all understanding
Lay down this sword my whole life I've been brandishing
Because now I know...
Words cut like scissors through paper
Walls become insurmountable, wounds become deeper
Souls once full of vigor now languishing
All because WE chose to speak while
lacking the desire for self-examining.
lacking the desire for self-examining.
my voice.
Will be used to bring glory to You.
Will be used to bring glory to You.
It will be like a beacon for your light to shine through.
By the time my life is finished
I hope that by me they can hear you
By the time my life is finished
I hope that by me they can hear you
Life as a Meme
It’s like we live a cartoon life
With words set upon a computer generated background
That describe
Things we may be too afraid to say ourselves
Or even out loud
In front of our friends
We feel a need to disguise-
But somehow feel more comfortable expressing
By something we call memes.
I’m so sick and tired of
The pseudo-psychobabble being spewed by online bloggers
Not necessarily researched just sounds good
And/or applies to the author
And whoever may agree with his point of view
Illustrating why this ‘type’ of personality is so bullied
But it’s like we can adopt the victim mentality
For anything now days it seems
To the young man or woman just dying to find your own voice
Speak clearly when your spirit is stirred
And the more you do you will find that others may disagree
or concur
Drawing lines between you, him and her
More clearly than ever before
Stop trying to fit yourself into a box
Or a particular sect of people
Because sooner than later they may discover
They don’t want to fit in with you
Find your identity and strength in something
That doesn’t negate or change your personality
But makes you better than you ever dreamed to be
Christ is my strength,
His Word is my mirror
It shows me the flaws that lay beneath the exterior
The things no meme can describe through a pretty picture
Psychological quizzes aren’t necessarily true
We all answer questions with fogged up lenses
We look at ourselves through
What would make us seem ‘the best’ in a response?
Our mind can play tricks on us
Our heart is deceitful
We feed our flesh according to our ego
But none of those things really teach us
Just affirms the best things about ourselves
That we personally have conceived
An illusion so powerful
That we sometimes gloss over
The delusions we hold to match a certain personality type
I was a psych major, I can tell the difference between real
and hype
This disorder is something we all face
When our faith is misplaced
Fool ourselves into thinking we are in competition with one
A false race
To win favor and a prize from the same ones
We wish to displace
From a high place we have raised up in our own minds
Facebook is great
Twitter is fun
Instagram a great online photo album
But come back to reality every now and again
Only to find the same boring life
Instead of dressing up a false impression online
Why not work to make reality as great as it can seem
On a meme
On a computer screen
Just Be You
Just be yourself is the common saying
Like as if I wake up day to day switching masks
With costume changes
Despite my ability to be up or down
It is still MY personality like makeup on a clown
Sometimes I wish I could be somebody else
Some seem to be better at everything I admit it makes me jealous
They even fall more gracefully
They seem to be them unashamedly
and I, me inescapably
When I refuse to do something, It's just because I'm fearful
When I decide to step out I'm a power seeking Jezebel
And I'm like, Whatever I just want to give up
Because what's the use in even trying if my intentions in their heads is all messed up
They say don't live to please others
But if you don't then you are unwanted by your own brothers
Try as I have in the past I just don't fit in any box that I have come across yet.
And people like to point their fingers and jest
Sometimes I felt like nobody was my friend
But then there's her-
Her with the eyes that seek MY approval
Her with the lips that speak joy so Truthful
Her with the voice like a heaven sent angel
Her with the ability to make me stand like I'm the man, okay not really-but
The Head Boss on Campus
Like I never deal with feelings of being inadequate
Mommy is what she calls me
Mommy is the term she utilizes when she recognizes that her abilities at the moment
may not be enough to obtain the thing that she is desiring
And despite her frustration that she can't do all things alone
I smile with glee at her imprecision
Because I reassure her 'Sooner or later, she is going to get it'
and every single attempt is another learned lesson
And when I feel like there is something I am doing wrong as mommy
He comes in and lifts me up readily
Wifey is what he calls me
He doesn't say much- in the way that I do
But I look in his eyes and he gives me this smile like
he's saying 'I believe in you'
He says I am the strongest person he has ever known
But he has carried me through my trials so many times I've lost count
He hangs on to my every word when he feels down
Like he's drawing strength and wisdom from my mouth
He's one of the most respectable, honest and intelligent people I have ever known
And he says he needs me?
And I know that I can never be happy if my identity
is inextricably dependent on these people that depend on me
And so I want to explain that it is not wife, nor mommy that defines me
But my personal characteristics and abilities instead that makes me
so successful and brilliant in my roles as her mommy and his help meet
I am sure that there are innumerable women who can cook better than me
Can clean better than me
Keep a happier attitude when going through personal struggles that bring me to my knees
But none of those awesome women carried my children in their bodice
Nor did they have the honor to walk down the aisle with my husband
Figuratively because we got married in a courthouse office
And there is nothing I would change about us.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with me.
I am her, I am Crystin, I am wrong, I am right, I am full of indecision at times
While at others I am certain of my actions and full of might
I may not be enough for some, and it's okay.
I was not placed here to please they
I am thankfully, beautifully, inescapably me; anyway.
Like as if I wake up day to day switching masks
With costume changes
Despite my ability to be up or down
It is still MY personality like makeup on a clown
Sometimes I wish I could be somebody else
Some seem to be better at everything I admit it makes me jealous
They even fall more gracefully
They seem to be them unashamedly
and I, me inescapably
When I refuse to do something, It's just because I'm fearful
When I decide to step out I'm a power seeking Jezebel
And I'm like, Whatever I just want to give up
Because what's the use in even trying if my intentions in their heads is all messed up
They say don't live to please others
But if you don't then you are unwanted by your own brothers
Try as I have in the past I just don't fit in any box that I have come across yet.
And people like to point their fingers and jest
Sometimes I felt like nobody was my friend
But then there's her-
Her with the eyes that seek MY approval
Her with the lips that speak joy so Truthful
Her with the voice like a heaven sent angel
Her with the ability to make me stand like I'm the man, okay not really-but
The Head Boss on Campus
Like I never deal with feelings of being inadequate
Mommy is what she calls me
Mommy is the term she utilizes when she recognizes that her abilities at the moment
may not be enough to obtain the thing that she is desiring
And despite her frustration that she can't do all things alone
I smile with glee at her imprecision
Because I reassure her 'Sooner or later, she is going to get it'
and every single attempt is another learned lesson
And when I feel like there is something I am doing wrong as mommy
He comes in and lifts me up readily
Wifey is what he calls me
He doesn't say much- in the way that I do
But I look in his eyes and he gives me this smile like
he's saying 'I believe in you'
He says I am the strongest person he has ever known
But he has carried me through my trials so many times I've lost count
He hangs on to my every word when he feels down
Like he's drawing strength and wisdom from my mouth
He's one of the most respectable, honest and intelligent people I have ever known
And he says he needs me?
And I know that I can never be happy if my identity
is inextricably dependent on these people that depend on me
And so I want to explain that it is not wife, nor mommy that defines me
But my personal characteristics and abilities instead that makes me
so successful and brilliant in my roles as her mommy and his help meet
I am sure that there are innumerable women who can cook better than me
Can clean better than me
Keep a happier attitude when going through personal struggles that bring me to my knees
But none of those awesome women carried my children in their bodice
Nor did they have the honor to walk down the aisle with my husband
Figuratively because we got married in a courthouse office
And there is nothing I would change about us.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with me.
I am her, I am Crystin, I am wrong, I am right, I am full of indecision at times
While at others I am certain of my actions and full of might
I may not be enough for some, and it's okay.
I was not placed here to please they
I am thankfully, beautifully, inescapably me; anyway.
Unspoken Wars
Red white and blue,
Meaning of the colors still ring true
Ideologies battled over time
Victorious voices, history writes
Brave and courageous
Go forth in battle
Here they use legislation
Over seas methods more tactical
It is impractical to say one size will fit all
Being tactful to an extent is the height of civility
after all-
And yet,
we lack common sense when we are no longer able
To judge between right and wrong
Our foundation quakes, becomes unstable
But I find it quite laughable
that demons disguised as angels
Dare to tout themselves
As the bringers of truth, justice and morals
Fairness and evil are not compatible
Basing our lives on an economy, collapsible
A world where everyone is jaded and skeptical
Because having faith is just irrational
But the lonely preacher, left unflappable
Voice crying out in the wilderness full of blood-thirsty animals
Light dwindles it seems
in the approaching storm clouds
On his knees
He cries out to a God
Nobody knows or fears
He says one more day, Just one more day
through his tears.
Like clockwork the sun rises
An entire civilization completely oblivious
To the judgment it could have, probably should have
been faced with
just the night before
I feel like more people know about who wore what to the Grammy's
And like they refuse to bow down to God
But all idolize and worship celebrities
Come on son, we talking about banning words
For being hurtful
Meanwhile in Africa and Syria
People are trying to gain the freedom to be able to speak
without getting murdered
We are too full of ourselves.
The paradox of freedom
is what most are dying to taste
We fill our head with media laced
with alcohol, drug, sex fueled propaganda
When's the next celebrity scandal taking place?
Another soul disgraced
Makes our lives seem less mundane or something...
Whatever the case, I take a deep breath
Because tomorrow is an opportunity to try again
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,
Lord help me to accept that it is not my destiny to shine
but to be the lamp which encases the light
Transparent and fragile at first glance
But strong enough to withstand happenstance
And shine through the darkest of life's circumstance
I want to be the one whose called
out of the many to be a part of the few
Like Gideon's army-full of strength, bravery, virtue
Or like the spies who brought back a good report
about the promised Land-Despite all calls to abort
a God-given mission let me be the one to contort
the illusion of the enemy whose only mission is to thwart
God's purpose for me
I want to be like Deborah the Prophetess whose name meant 'bee'
Because she stung her enemies with ferocity
and held wisdom which enriched others
Which was sweeter than honey
I want to be like Joseph and embody forgiveness
I want others all around me to bear witness
that the human condition is weakness
But Christ is strength
I want to have the guts to lay down my desire to be right
My desire to always get the last word in a fight
to get one over on everyone who crosses me
To stop losing ground by making my brother out to be my enemy
I want to relinquish my false sense of hope
Stop greasing my wheels up a slippery slope
Grab hold of what's real, the Truth with true zeal
and leave well enough alone
Be at peace with The One
Somehow in my mind
I feel I just realized
Just how beautiful, the world is seen by my eyes
It must have always looked like this
But it's like I have a new perspective
Funny things like: roses smell even more like roses
The stars seem to sparkle more
the sky seems bluer
The air never smelled this sweet before
Truth now seems even truer
It's like a new life
Like I was reborn
Old pain is gone
Old burdens shorn
the sky seems bluer
The air never smelled this sweet before
Truth now seems even truer
It's like a new life
Like I was reborn
Old pain is gone
Old burdens shorn
Everything in my life I could ever do right was all wrong
People wonder why others get caught up still singing the same song
It's easy to judge when you only see from one side
Sometimes I wish I could see it from your eyes
What may seem like common sense to you
may be a revelation to me; brand new
We have to be patient with others and know
We're not all at the same level, but on the same boat
We traveling on to hopefully the same destination
Trials and set-backs may turn into preparation
A greater destiny implies greater responsibility
Nothing is denied when there is no impossibility
Hearts of stone become flesh
Eyes your own become enmeshed
With sights never imagined
But realized now nonetheless
What was once hopeless
Abundant faith is now evident
What was once worthless
Has become priceless
I never dared to dream that anyone would be inspired by me
Because all they would aspire to be was a nobody, internally empty-
Now I have a purpose
The place from which I stand shows nothing but Promise
A land in which flows milk and honey
Souls receive forgiveness, grace and mercy
Blind eyes become open
The broken receive restoration
There's hope for those who are still works in progress
People wonder why others get caught up still singing the same song
It's easy to judge when you only see from one side
Sometimes I wish I could see it from your eyes
What may seem like common sense to you
may be a revelation to me; brand new
We have to be patient with others and know
We're not all at the same level, but on the same boat
We traveling on to hopefully the same destination
Trials and set-backs may turn into preparation
A greater destiny implies greater responsibility
Nothing is denied when there is no impossibility
Hearts of stone become flesh
Eyes your own become enmeshed
With sights never imagined
But realized now nonetheless
What was once hopeless
Abundant faith is now evident
What was once worthless
Has become priceless
I never dared to dream that anyone would be inspired by me
Because all they would aspire to be was a nobody, internally empty-
Now I have a purpose
The place from which I stand shows nothing but Promise
A land in which flows milk and honey
Souls receive forgiveness, grace and mercy
Blind eyes become open
The broken receive restoration
There's hope for those who are still works in progress
The Psychology of Imagery
I am not fooled by what is before me
I know of those who 'LOVE' to see-
Deception does bring joy to these
But I am bothered spiritually
Fools love the psychology of imagery
psychology because it's only in their mind
imagery; only what the outward appears to be
and this can work for-or against but only
for a matter of moments-Have hope
I know I am imperfect, I have 29.5 years of life to prove it
But I learned recently that
I don't have to live down to the expectations
others have for me because of who
THEY perceive me to be.
Outside, I am a hot mess
Impetuous, emotionally a wreck, I talk too loud
I don't know how to dress
I used to be a street chick
Hang with all the rough necks
Boosting cars was like just something I would do for kicks
But I also have some good qualities like-
I can keep a secret;
I have a prayer life;
I know I love my husband
I try my best to be a fully submitted wife.
I put others before myself-
I don't gossip
No matter how many times I have fallen
I am scrappy I get back up for more
and there has been progress-I am becoming more.
Some of us just take longer.
On the other side,
I know a story where the outward perception
caused a deeply wounded spirit
Because one had an appearance
of being real-their 'realness' did not hit past the subcutaneous
The less pleasing to the eye and senses
was wrongly judged a liar-
But, God witnessed.
We, you, me, he, she-
get so torn up about
what we see-how they see me-how can I be perceived more favorably?
We all blank canvases walking around hoping
Someone will notice we have
outstanding qualities.
We get so caught up with false psychology
when we know what we think and feel
can deal deceptively
Yet we rely so strong on childish things
Rather than wonder:
Is He pleased with the way I scorn her in my mind?
Is He pleased if I can fool others into thinking I am living right?
Because no matter what when we turn off the light
Is He pleased if I can fool others into thinking I am living right?
Because no matter what when we turn off the light
the psychological, invisible, makeup which we've so carefully applied
Is no longer visible to anybody but our minds.
You are not a man based upon how hard you swing your fists
Society got us double minded and twisted
Glorify violence yet shake heads in chagrin
When young men with bright futures and potential
Choose to indulge in the most primal
of instincts instead
The media lauds the rap culture which touts nothing but death and sin
Yet pretends to be offended when another young lady
gets her head beat in-HOWEVER
They ignore her oppression
Turn around and say it's her fault
When her face is dragged all over the asphalt
Another young child
Is raised without his father's presence
Some say no father is better than that father
Anything would be better then him
I am of the mind that a man has more potential
than some desire to ever see on him
They become jealous and hold him back
from ever pursuing ascension
from his start from where he came from
he falls prey to the mindsets of liars and demons
think he is becoming untangled
but really he only becomes more wrangled in his chains
bondage hold tight
as he clenches his eyes
And searches for release through violence-instead
Finds his demise
What part of our minds do we feed
When we heed the voices that only speak death
I serve a God who came to give life
and Life in Abundance
I am not judging out of ignorance-
I know that life
My daddy did the best he could
Hustling was the only thing he ever understood
And I loved him and I still do
But it wasn't as easy or safe when I fell for
Dudes who only knew that life too
Jump from one trip to another
Trying to make a big score
one deal fall through
The only recourse
from my man's frustrated hands
Was to start all over again with someone else
And wait for history to repeat itself
If I had known then what I know now...
My generational curses became broken somehow
Washed in blood shed for, not by me
A life ripped by violence, laid down for peace
Society got us double minded and twisted
Glorify violence yet shake heads in chagrin
When young men with bright futures and potential
Choose to indulge in the most primal
of instincts instead
The media lauds the rap culture which touts nothing but death and sin
Yet pretends to be offended when another young lady
gets her head beat in-HOWEVER
They ignore her oppression
Turn around and say it's her fault
When her face is dragged all over the asphalt
Another young child
Is raised without his father's presence
Some say no father is better than that father
Anything would be better then him
I am of the mind that a man has more potential
than some desire to ever see on him
They become jealous and hold him back
from ever pursuing ascension
from his start from where he came from
he falls prey to the mindsets of liars and demons
think he is becoming untangled
but really he only becomes more wrangled in his chains
bondage hold tight
as he clenches his eyes
And searches for release through violence-instead
Finds his demise
What part of our minds do we feed
When we heed the voices that only speak death
I serve a God who came to give life
and Life in Abundance
I am not judging out of ignorance-
I know that life
My daddy did the best he could
Hustling was the only thing he ever understood
And I loved him and I still do
But it wasn't as easy or safe when I fell for
Dudes who only knew that life too
Jump from one trip to another
Trying to make a big score
one deal fall through
The only recourse
from my man's frustrated hands
Was to start all over again with someone else
And wait for history to repeat itself
If I had known then what I know now...
My generational curses became broken somehow
Washed in blood shed for, not by me
A life ripped by violence, laid down for peace
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Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...
My city sleeps at night No longer are cars impatiently revving their engines at the intersection stop lights. Instead yellow and or...
I am not fooled by what is before me I know of those who 'LOVE' to see- Deception does bring joy to these But I am bother...
Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...