It’s like we live a cartoon life
With words set upon a computer generated background
That describe
Things we may be too afraid to say ourselves
Or even out loud
In front of our friends
We feel a need to disguise-
But somehow feel more comfortable expressing
By something we call memes.
I’m so sick and tired of
The pseudo-psychobabble being spewed by online bloggers
Not necessarily researched just sounds good
And/or applies to the author
And whoever may agree with his point of view
Illustrating why this ‘type’ of personality is so bullied
But it’s like we can adopt the victim mentality
For anything now days it seems
To the young man or woman just dying to find your own voice
Speak clearly when your spirit is stirred
And the more you do you will find that others may disagree
or concur
Drawing lines between you, him and her
More clearly than ever before
Stop trying to fit yourself into a box
Or a particular sect of people
Because sooner than later they may discover
They don’t want to fit in with you
Find your identity and strength in something
That doesn’t negate or change your personality
But makes you better than you ever dreamed to be
Christ is my strength,
His Word is my mirror
It shows me the flaws that lay beneath the exterior
The things no meme can describe through a pretty picture
Psychological quizzes aren’t necessarily true
We all answer questions with fogged up lenses
We look at ourselves through
What would make us seem ‘the best’ in a response?
Our mind can play tricks on us
Our heart is deceitful
We feed our flesh according to our ego
But none of those things really teach us
Just affirms the best things about ourselves
That we personally have conceived
An illusion so powerful
That we sometimes gloss over
The delusions we hold to match a certain personality type
I was a psych major, I can tell the difference between real
and hype
This disorder is something we all face
When our faith is misplaced
Fool ourselves into thinking we are in competition with one
A false race
To win favor and a prize from the same ones
We wish to displace
From a high place we have raised up in our own minds
Facebook is great
Twitter is fun
Instagram a great online photo album
But come back to reality every now and again
Only to find the same boring life
Instead of dressing up a false impression online
Why not work to make reality as great as it can seem
On a meme
On a computer screen