She said only those with skin like us can understand how to make US better But I wonder why it is that those with skin like us is what caused us to search for salvation to begin with Don't trust the white man is what we are taught But if your own folks cause you pain then who is there left to trust? It's not that we don't think that there's a better way than what we know it's just that we don't want others to see our shame. Men who shared my heritage and struggle Were the ones who taught me I was worthless Women who had the same affectations in their voices and words as I do Were the ones who always made me feel like an outsider We do wrong too It doesn't matter what skin color reveals to our eyes because it will never reveal the truth of ones character-what's really inside Ones actions in the heat of the moment may betray ones true passions But even those are not indicative of who you are Passions come and go Like waters and waves they ebb and flow Contradict what's in a man's head Lack of logic leads to our most primal instinct Passion and skin may as well be disposable as far as worthy judgments go It's the daily intent The cultivation of proper intention And the release of ones understanding and purpose Developed habits that become a person My skin will not define me And neither will my ethnicity Though I see similarities in the beautiful slope of my, cultural sisters, eyes She is not automatically one I choose to be aligned with. The struggle of MY people refer to those who know that they are in need of Him. I don't want to be consumed with the passing tides of society's current offense Let me be alone to learn what I need to do to please the One who created Everything that is in existence. I will hate what He hates Because His way don't change Although ethics and morals according to OUR standard may differ Truth says that He stays the same yesterday, today, and forever I sometimes wish I could unzip my skin Let them see what's underneath Of all of us is not so different Maybe the sight of our flesh beneath the cutaneous would be less offensive and divisive I say that tongue in cheek but whatever If we were all blind A kind word would still illuminate If we were all deaf A simple hug would speak volumes