
Lord help me to accept that it is not my destiny to shine
but to be the lamp which encases the light
Transparent and fragile at first glance
But strong enough to withstand happenstance
And shine through the darkest of life's circumstance
I want to be the one whose called
out of the many to be a part of the few
Like Gideon's army-full of strength, bravery, virtue
Or like the spies who brought back a good report
about the promised Land-Despite all calls to abort
a God-given mission let me be the one to contort
the illusion of the enemy whose only mission is to thwart 
God's purpose for me
I want to be like Deborah the Prophetess whose name meant 'bee'
Because she stung her enemies with ferocity
and held wisdom which enriched others  
Which was sweeter than honey
I want to be like Joseph and embody forgiveness
I want others all around me to bear witness
that the human condition is weakness
But Christ is strength
I want to have the guts to lay down my desire to be right
My desire to always get the last word in a fight
to get one over on everyone who crosses me
To stop losing ground by making my brother out to be my enemy
I want to relinquish my false sense of hope
Stop greasing my wheels up a slippery slope
Grab hold of what's real, the Truth with true zeal
and leave well enough alone
Be at peace with The One

Speak It

Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...