
What seemed like living the high life became something that was death to me
My need for alcohol began drowning me
Because I would wake up everyday needing a sip
Or a pint
My ability to speak and function confined
By the bars of this jail, this second bottle of wine
My yearning for necklaces made by Tiffany
Began choking me
To the point where nothing my husband ever bought me was
Pleasing to an adequate degree
I became bitter when my neck and my wrists were not adorned
With the intricate brilliance
And my husband's love, scorned
I began to suffocate from the tight clothing I wore
My intentions to have eyes focus on my body's undulations
And movements because I loved how my curves
Could draw attention
And I became anorexic
Beauty on the outside, sickness on the inside like pure contradiction
What does my salvation mean to me?
I am now free from the tyranny of a world that wants to rule me
Men who want to bed me
And women who want to defeat me
I don't want to spend my life in competition
With my sisters, my kindred spirits, no other women
I don't want to down another drink
Just to hide the guilt of allowing
Yet another perverted, disgusting, non-committal man to touch me
I don't want to put another line up my nose
So I can stem this pain, emotional
I just want to be at peace 
With this woman I have come to terms with being
I don't buy into the hype that I have to be one way or another-
Because I find I am typical in every regard
In that I am like a rubix cube of many personalities
Sometimes serious, sometimes funny
My best pictures are taken candidly
Most times even keeled, sometimes on the brink of insanity,
With a tenacity to be better than my yesterday me,
Sometimes spiritual, despite my humanity.
A multi-faceted umpteen carat diamond-
Bravery, femininity, weakness and strength my mixture 

The Curse of Adam

Recently all these things have come to light
This new process of learning called common core has got everybody in a fight
Like, we were so used to the old way of learning
That any threat to the way things were just is unacceptable
We always say "things ain't like they used to be 
In my day we had it so great"
Yet day in day out we work to give our kids a better life than what we had
Does nobody see the contradiction or the twist in the logic
Other than me?
I mean, the way that my mind works is
I heard both sides of this current hot topic
and I asked myself
What is the big deal?
Not because I don't care, or because I'm in agreement
I just like to question everything
And find out the answers
And then make a determination
So what if my children learn something in a different way than I did?
As long as they know Truth
Can't no standards of secular education twist that
They can do what it takes to better their education
If it makes them viable for college, or a global job market
Like it says, then whether or not
I can do the math as good as them
Isn't really that much of an issue
I can learn it if they can too
But I can also argue for the other side
I'm American, I'm good at arguing
But I have argued myself until I was blue in the face against it
And aint' nothing changed
Not only that but like
People got so twisted over public education
They don't want teachers to rule our children
But they want them to be responsible for a large part of the raising process
To me it's kind of like a double standard
I mean something has got to give
And I sat and pondered
We become educated so that we can have a job
We work at that job in order to pay for our education
Supposedly we better ourselves in the process
But I have yet to see any proof of this
Spend most of our lives in some type of system
Education then work then retirement stipends...
Like, Americans in general are a slave to mass consumption
We work just to assume loans and credit
And become slaves to our debt
My 'dream house' is still literally a dream
Because until I can pay the bank off
It don't belong to me
I sometimes wonder
What it would be like
to disappear
Leave this madness called life and run away to the woods
or the mountains
Even if I do my best to live a holy life
The money I spend on everyday things goes to one side or the other in this fight
Starbucks funnels money to those who are anti-traditional marriage
A well known fact but Christians be buying this overpriced coffee by the gallon
It don't even taste that good
But I haven't had Starbucks in a minute
Gas is expensive
Big corporations have faulty and immoral business practices
Some of them even put money into the hands of those connected with terrorists
And this is my legacy, my contribution as well
Because I choose to buy
Whatever they sell
But this culture is so prevalent you really can't run from it
We just have to realize our impact on one another
is so inextricably connected.
Due to the rise in the usage of social media outlets
All of a sudden everyone is an expert in something
But nobody cares to dig deeper than the surface
We just want instant gratification
See! This guy agrees with me, I'ma retweet him
So all my followers can know and see that I am validated
Wikipedia and Google; Internet the information Superhighway 
It's a shame that we are fine with just settling for the rhetoric
It's sad when we can't think deeper than how something will affect us on a micro scale.
We are willfully ignorant
Choose a side because from where we stand
It looks like there's a difference
Politicians be good at feeding off our emotions
On a grander scale
We all just need salvation
From this beast that we have created
From others,
Our way of thinking.
Realize that there is someone higher 
a purpose much deeper
Than Me.

My Voice

Hear Me
I will not be silenced because of your indignation
The cadence of My Voice
Places emphasis on the situation
The inflection of My Words
Spoken a reflection
of my inner soul
A heart once broken
now mended
And whole.
So I speak clear
Though others may jeer
I will not be dismayed
I will speak with intent sharp enough
To wipe that jeer off their face
I speak my truth
Though it may be of no consequence to you
I am cognizant of my audience
I must relate importance
And power without dominance
Forgive my brusqueness
But I must insist on being persistent-
My Voice
It waivers and becomes thin not by choice
At others it booms high in rejoice
Sometimes even I am caught unaware of what's inside
Not that I purposely hide
Anything in the recesses of my  mind
It's just my heart decides when it will confide
The message inside
Express it outside by- 
my Voice.
When I put on a show of bravado
The timbre of my voice
May be somewhat low
But still you can hear it shaking though
Like at times when I'm trying to talk myself into feeling-
Braver than I really feel
My heart sometimes needs a pep talk before my true nature is revealed 
With my voice I roar in triumph
After crying and griping my way through trials
Obstacles sometimes look like Goliath
But I can be one of those hard headed chicks
Somewhat defiant
And at times I have a 'never say die' attitude
While at others, I would rather curl up in bed 
and let someone else just handle it voice?
Is so funny at times
Like I can say the same word once, or twice
and they be sounding completely different like day and night
Sometimes ravaged by angst
While at others I am giving thanks
Like when I call to You.
On my knees it felt like I could never get up again at times
Only to now look back and say
I guess it wasn't so bad I mean
Look at where I am today
my voice
Drowned out by a simple whisper
Reassurance that You will always be here
You will not leave me or forsake me
I am with a hope, a comforter
You know the thoughts you have for me
Never evil; always peace
No matter what there remains a promise just for me
my voice
Reveals you are strongest when I am weak
Pure Truth I will always aim to speak
Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.
Meditate on Your Words so I can come to grips
With the understanding that by you I find strength
I am equipped
my voice
Does nothing of any importance
If I don't speak in accordance 
With your love; some may put on a good performance
But it's all just lip service if they come
of their own volition.
I come in peace that surpasses all understanding
Lay down this sword my whole life I've been brandishing
Because now I know...
Words cut like scissors through paper
Walls become insurmountable, wounds become deeper
Souls once full of vigor now languishing
All because WE chose to speak while
 lacking the desire for self-examining.
my voice.
Will be used to bring glory to You.
It will be like a beacon for your light to shine through.
By the time my life is finished
I hope that by me they can hear you 

Life as a Meme

It’s like we live a cartoon life
With words set upon a computer generated background
That describe
Things we may be too afraid to say ourselves
Or even out loud
In front of our friends
We feel a need to disguise-
But somehow feel more comfortable expressing
By something we call memes.
I’m so sick and tired of
The pseudo-psychobabble being spewed by online bloggers
Not necessarily researched just sounds good
And/or applies to the author
And whoever may agree with his point of view
Illustrating why this ‘type’ of personality is so bullied
But it’s like we can adopt the victim mentality
For anything now days it seems
To the young man or woman just dying to find your own voice
Speak clearly when your spirit is stirred
And the more you do you will find that others may disagree or concur
Drawing lines between you, him and her
More clearly than ever before
Stop trying to fit yourself into a box
Or a particular sect of people
Because sooner than later they may discover
They don’t want to fit in with you
Find your identity and strength in something
That doesn’t negate or change your personality
But makes you better than you ever dreamed to be
Christ is my strength,
His Word is my mirror
It shows me the flaws that lay beneath the exterior
The things no meme can describe through a pretty picture
Psychological quizzes aren’t necessarily true
We all answer questions with fogged up lenses
We look at ourselves through
What would make us seem ‘the best’ in a response?
Our mind can play tricks on us
Our heart is deceitful
We feed our flesh according to our ego
But none of those things really teach us
Just affirms the best things about ourselves
That we personally have conceived
An illusion so powerful
That we sometimes gloss over
The delusions we hold to match a certain personality type
I was a psych major, I can tell the difference between real and hype
This disorder is something we all face
When our faith is misplaced
Fool ourselves into thinking we are in competition with one another
A false race
To win favor and a prize from the same ones
We wish to displace
From a high place we have raised up in our own minds
Facebook is great
Twitter is fun
Instagram a great online photo album
But come back to reality every now and again
Only to find the same boring life
Instead of dressing up a false impression online
Why not work to make reality as great as it can seem
On a meme

On a computer screen

Speak It

Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...