Black Friday

Black Friday represents sadness to me
Just regular people who can't afford to live in luxury
wait all year to finally purchase their dream TV.
And who can blame them when society
constantly reiterates to me
that in order to be somebody 
I have to have nice things
I don't blame them for lining up at crazy hours
 to purchase something that they feel
will make their family's lives a little bit better
I've been there
I come from nothing, just wanted something...
Once upon a time if someone offered me those deals
I'd accept I wouldn't even think twice
The problem I have is when they place more value on material
objects over somebody's life.
Or how the stores place more value
on profits over people
But that's just the way the story goes,
I guess.
I find it sickening the way that they profit off of the less fortunate
They dangle a carrot in front of their faces 

and watch and laugh as people get stomped on in their places of business
What about the employees who have to face danger?
They don't get paid or trained for that
Need to get these folks some tactical gear
and prepare them for combat
Man I love capitalism I love free markets
But my Christianity won't let me be okay 

with the greed of corporations
I know that the love of money 

is the root of all evil
Black Friday crowds to me look like 
the beginnings of social upheaval
I see how they do it
Treat the masses like cattle
In my mind it's a battle
Like who's really to blame?
Like-it's really insane
Is our desire for prestige something innate
Or is it something we receive 

through human interaction-
Something communicated?
Just wait a second and let me relate my case 

a little bit more clearly
As we delve into this phenomenon 

based upon consumerism occurring yearly
See why I believe it is a spiritual attack against humanity
The day after we are giving thanks for our lives
We buy into the lie that 

without a new discounted TV
we are so deprived
Everything on sale at least 40% off
Don't you see you NEED these things
Don't miss out or your loss!
Don't nothing in this whole world come for free
This coming from a girl who once lived in the streets
Even food out the garbage can comes with a price
Leave you sick and disgusted
With the weight of your life
These companies don't really sell things for cheaper
They were put on the market
With the discounts in mind
Now deeper in debt Grim Reaper breathing down your neck
While they play the game smart
they hold all the cards
Jack up the prices to make the biggest profit
That's how the 'selling monster' was really designed
Then 'lower' the tag for Black Friday
and watch all the people eagerly run to the lines
It's a marketing ploy.
Face smashed against the glass
like all dignity destroyed
They would never do something just to make your life better
They want to sell as much of their product at the end of the year to meet their quota
Look at the fistfights taking place over things
Look at the feeling of emptiness still lingering
It doesn't matter how many computers and iPads you walk away with
Your life is still dependent on things that will fade away
Next year your state of the art cell phone will be obsolete
Your bank account diminished Black Friday repeat
Caught in a nightmare never finished
Because a life of materialism lacks value, intrinsic.


There is beauty in your scars
Like a road map to your heart
Tear tracks on your face only seem to make
your smile all that brighter
You'd been laughed at
Talked about and lied on
Men have raised their hands against you
and emotionally hurt you
to the point they almost killed you
Still you find the ability to laugh, trust, be vulnerable
I admire you
For so long I was covered in hardness
Bitterness had turned me into a callous
and unfeeling person
Now, I am Woman
You showed me that it's okay to feel
You made me comfortable with my emotions
You said, it's okay to be hurt
but don't let it make you into a hurt person-
You could be so hard on me
Sometimes outright mean
But if it had not been for you
I would not be a better woman times infinity
You helped me to attain a level of maturity
Many take half a lifetime of trial and error to ever see
You have shaped me into the beauty that you see today
I owe you more than my gift of words could ever say
You stood by me
Even when no one else would
You said "God still has His hand on you"
When nobody else could see how He possibly could
I know you are proud of me
I can see it in your eyes.
I am better prepared
for the trials of life because you cared
enough to put me before yourself at times
I now know what it means to sacrifice
You acted hard,
but you always had
the biggest and most open heart
toward me
My life would be miserable
If I never had met you
I know you act crazy just to put others at ease
In that regard you are just like me
In every other aspect of your personality
You are so far above everyone I have ever met
But you never once looked down on me
If anything, you became everything
To everyone
Showed us that you see things from our
Perspective, like you reallly understand us
Only to have us change our own perception
and make us believe we had what it took
inside of us all along
I grew because you never left me at
the level that you found me at
Even when I grew comfortable,
You said get up, let's go some more
You never gave up on encouraging me
That's why I have the ability to see
The very best in every other soul I meet
You are as strong as Deborah
As worshipful as Miriam
Regal as Esther
Hard working as Martha
Eager to hear Jesus like Mary was
I can't believe you have no idea.



Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Psalms 49:3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.

Josh 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.

We bombard our minds with tv shows and music
Because we are afraid of what's inside our own heads
Thoughts about death
Thoughts about life
Guilt over whose bed we slept in last night
Our environment becomes noisier the more we seek peace and respite
We say we don't idolize things over God
But sacrifice is not a part of our daily life or repertoire
We want to give
Only what it doesn't hurt to give
We say we want to live like HE did
Willing to sacrifice our very lives for our friends
But we struggle with crucifixion of our flesh
We say Thy will be done, and yet-
We say one thing and do the opposite
We want comfort
We want easy
Living in this cookie cutter
Drive through
Have it your way
Microwave age
Makes it hard for anybody
to understand patience or waiting for anything
Distraction is the highest level of enlightenment
one can hope to obtain
in this attention-starved,
materialistic day and age.
The harder we fight,
the easier it is to forget the sound of His voice
Whatever direction our feet move
is ordained by Him or our own choice.
So, does it really matter, what I reveal about myself?
I stand before you today to say that it does.
I was the chief sinner
more undeserving of Grace than anyone else
Yet as far as I had fallen
God raised me above the ashes of
a life I had committed to nothing but destruction
Today I have life and joy and peace in abundance
I am not worthy, but God is
Why exult myself?
A mere sinner saved by Grace?
Why not give the glory to the One in the most Holy Place?
His Holiness is beautiful, it stems from His love
So rather than my flesh and my skin
I will wear His Blood
They can see me
But not receive me
I have nothing to give.
I had it my way
I found it lacking
I gave up my death so that I can live.
So, I will meditate on His Word
I may not know the latest celebrity scandal,
That doesn't mean my life is not fulfilled and joyful
I will speak life into a faithless situation
Because I know that my Words have power when spoken by Faith in Him
I may not know the latest artists/movies/songs
But I can find comfort and wisdom
in the Books of Proverbs and Psalms
I may not have a high paying job to go with my degree
But I know from His word that He will provide for me
Therefore my lips shall keep from profanity
My body reserved for the work of the one who created me
My thoughts are made to be brought under subjection
In hopes of attaining a spiritual ascension.

Be Somebody

'Be Somebody' That's what they all say
but what it takes to be 'that person' varies from day to day
Be this, be that, but according to what 'they' want me to be
I started off as a mere nobody
And I am so thankful for my Testimony
because once you lived in a gutter
You lose the desire/ability to look down on anybody
I went from being a nobody, to trying to be somebody
according to all the things that they told me I should be
and I wound up being scorned none the less because
it's impossible to fit a size 29 into a size 3
I am just me
I did not live up to their expectations,
therefore I become nothing more than a complication
And just like that I was removed from their equation
And just like that I was a nobody once again
It takes "HARD WORK" they scream
to be somebody
Man I know, they got so many self-help books
written on that very subject
and they must be right, because they make money
off of others who see the world
through eyes that long to be
above the mundane
They long to have authority
When we try to determine what makes us 'worth it'
according to 'their' voices
without any kind of soul searching
we lose our identity in the process
and become good for nothing
I have found, that anybody can be 'somebody'
but it takes something special to have the bravery to be 'nobody'.
No one else can be this nobody, but me
Only I can make me decrease so He can increase
If I'm somebody of my own making
everyone will only see me
I am nothing
He is all
The greatest part of me is the Call
Call to worship
Call to praise
Call to bless that wonderful Name
You go be somebody
I tried that and found

that just isn't for me.


Vultures circling sailing on the hot wind of the
Talking heads on television
Telling not one single person
One single thing worth knowing
Subterfuge is the name of
The new information game
And the birds keep chirping only way to know what's happening is by turning off the media and tuning instead into the minds
of conspiracy theorists
once deemed crazy now seen as truth tellers or prophets
And the blood shed and the violence are only symptoms of the real diagnoses
Evil given sovereign rule
Over our hearts think we can play with fire without any repercussions
But it's down to the wire and the head if this nation has got a serious concussion
seems like nobody's listening but all are watching
What's the answer they ask?
It's quite simple:
Relativism got us twisted
We dabble with sin and expect not to suffer any type of punishment or consequence
We blurred the lines between black and white  in hopes of appearing to be people living right
Where up is down and crooked is straight
We got so confused by trying to manipulate
truth into a lie
and falsehood into real life
We have become hard hearted
Some are just apathetic
We are collectively a people not good for anything but to be vomited onto the pavement
Just wait, we haven't even begun to see the likes of judgment
That's why we keep pushing further and testing our limits
Now science says it can protect us from the ramifications of formication
No fear is present when there lacks consequence
No need for morals or common sense
Instead life's like a free for all
People gorging on the pleasures of sin
But just like Adam and Eve in the garden
When the time comes we will all stand before Him in judgment
Either be told well done my faithful servant
Or left in shock fumbling for excuses and stuttering
Fires of hell seem so far away
The more people see how much more accepted it is to play
With boundaries and standards
Removing distinctions
Blind lead the blind
Man is convinced but still ignorant
I cry
I weep
all they see are gnashing teeth
They abuse love
They see good in evil
But their souls are not past retrieval
God help us

Keeping up with the Jones's

Going into debt for luxury cars and Rolex watches
All the while your happiness can be measured not by moments experienced
More like the quickness of elapsed time between purchases
And my heart is bleeding for those who are slowly digging their own grave 
just to see what it tastes 
like to be a part of the fake type
You could have had it all a nice wife that respects you
a slice of the American dream apple pie
Instead you chose to delve into the nightmare
brought on by the love of money now on welfare 
but you still front like you have stacks like lil Wayne 
claiming you can make it rain but all you know is shame 
because you were not able to maintain 
your life on even the simplest level.
Greed is the bastard love child of envy and lust
And like a vicious cycle this beast must feed upon itself
in order to sustain the degree of emptiness 
it ultimately and inevitably creates
Like a vacuum suction all reason dissipates 
as you try in vain to create a reality that you have been tricked 
into believing you must participate 
in in order to be happy
Mind control through the media, music, magazines and superstars you all want to be like
Don't you see that everything in existence comes with a price?
Wasted young Disney princesses now considered whores and devil mistresses drugged out beyond their wildest dreams and no one can hear their screams 
yet we teach our daughters to consider them role models?
I really don't follow when their bodies are so thin skin sagging 
but the airbrushing covers up the flaws 
and Photoshop catches what the makeup missed 
makes these girls into pictures of pure perfection 
seductive yet vapid facial expressions 
yet thousands of young girls and women suffer from anorexia and bulimia because they are told that those images are what society considers to be perfection?
We desire the wrong things.
Rather than trying to become the best me that I can be
I am conditioned to place an outward perspective on life 
and seek what the village believes I should desire and, why.
And it's pointless in the end because one will never find fulfillment 
in the hot and endless pursuit of another man's purpose.
The Jones's can keep their fine things and all that extravagance
I want what's mine in abundance
I may not be as perfect as an airbrushed fake photograph
But you calling that reality just makes me laugh.
Mirthless smiles full of pain and
A world full of nothing but broken promises and disdain.
Don't be alarmed when the world passes you by
It's not your fault you got seduced by the lie
Your life tried to grab your attention repeatedly 
but you were too busy craning your neck at the tv.
And now you got one foot in the grave while the other flounders uselessly 
up to your neck in what you should have, could have would have, been;
 on top of the debt
Don't be trapped by the ploys of a soulless media driven by mass consumption 
it's an addiction
Instead be a free thinker 
Your failures your own
Don't carry another individuals affliction 
Jesus did that for you so you could have salvation
Stop doing and being what television tells you to be
Stop buying into and being controlled by subliminal messages of duplicity
See if there was truly nothin wrong in this world
Then the meaning of the word pain would be unnecessary 
Coming up with terms like slut shaming and instead branding her a real lady
That's not the way our sex was meant to be
We withdraw from the natural order of things more and more 
Yet rush toward 'natural' ingredients in the grocery store
The relativism has got you so lost and confused
Bad behavior and sin should be corrected and forgiven not excused
The liberal agenda pushers disguised as angels of light
Really they are nothing but ravening wolves inside
Mind control of the masses who are too stupid to break free
So I pray for God to intervene
I don't live a life full of rules and oppression
I do have boundaries not worth crossing
I've been there before I've tried it your way
All it brought was heartache and pain
Now I have joy where there used to be sadness
Emptiness used to fill me my thoughts only madness
Club hopping new dude on my side every week
Oppressive rap music filled my ears making me 
feel like I was really something to be 
dropping it low for some low life who only considered me to be a ho
Get in tune with what I'm telling you
This is not the life that God intended for you
Feel like an outsider like nobody understands you?
He does and I've been there so I do too
Gaga doesn't know what it feels like to be different all she knows is she can control your thoughts and emotions
Demon possessed music artists fill up your though processes making you think that you're truly free in very sense
But nobody ever gained eternal rewards or true happiness by sellin their souls and ability to think for themselves
You are not in competition with anybody else
You were made to be you


They used to call me reckless
But today they say im blessed
I just say my life's been changed by my savior Jesus
They say the lower you have fallen
The higher you have to rise
I say that the mercy is even greater
You just have to see it from His eyes
No matter what He thinks of me
Yet there still remains 
 Those who disagree
About my worthy, my value, my place.
They disagree that He would send me on His mission
But like a train I barrel on with tunnel vision 
I think about my past now in a different spirit
If it weren't for where I've been 
Would this still be my present?
I thank Him for my blessings
but I also thank him for my trials
because through my hardest times
I know He cradled me like a child
Today my testimony keeps me in check
Where others only see a lost cause
I see a precious soul worthy of heaven
I can't imagine what I would be
If God had not stepped in
Glad that I can empathize with brokenness
I won't apologize if my past doesn't meet your expectations 
I'm angry at the way the world is blinded by deception 
But faithful in the meaning of my Jesus resurrection 
I want to be the type of person
Who inspires someone else to have a life worth living
As iron sharpens iron
Lord let me be used by you
As a light
as your salt
as a safe haven
as a refuge 

My City Sleeps at Night

My city sleeps at night
No longer are cars impatiently revving
their engines at the intersection stop lights.
Instead yellow and orange blink incessantly
but it's calming rather than exciting.
There's a lull in the air
like smoke in the atmosphere
it's thick like a blanket-
and almost nobody is there
But a few passing cars
With loud music blaring out the window
from the stereo
I catch a bit of the tune but the words escape me though.
Such a stark juxtaposition to just a few hours ago
Like in a play where the setting
remains the same
but the general mood and feeling has changed
The sky is dark blue but not really
The color is almost impossible to describe
but the stars are bright white
as they softly glimmer on this summer night
The air is warm to the touch and heavy with moisture
I feel if I stick out my tongue I could even taste the water
And for a moment I am completely grounded and rooted in the present.
I like to dream even while I'm awake
I'm the type of person who sees limitless potential for every moment to be changed from ordinary to something great
But right now in this moment
It feels like everything is nearly perfect
I don't feel too cold or too warm.
But there's a charge in the air
I barely feel reverberating
like right before a storm.
The only thing that would improve my mood
is if the clouds let loose and let the rain just pour.


Gotta catch this train, before it passes on by,
past this town, past my stop and straight out of my life.
It's like a morgue where I stand,
because the winter is near
but I wait patiently for my train to arrive.

I count the trees just to pass the time,
but their stoic and fearless appearance only reminds me that I am alone
and completely unsure of myself.
If only you were here with me,
maybe we two could show the same solidarity,
as the group of trees that sway this way and that
together as one in the tumultuous winter winds.

I inhale the bitter, freezing air,
and exhale bursts of smoke, as if my insides are really on fire,
and I am only imagining that the air around me is so very cold.
I gaze about at the bleakness of the day, and I cringe as I see that I am all alone.

Will this train ever get here?
I am out on a limb, the nagging and constant pain in my heart
just a reminder of the giant leap of faith I have taken, without even a glimpse of what kind of landing I will meet.

I fear the worst, I am too late, I have missed that train…
But in the distance I hear, such an uplifting sound
A whistle resounds and echoes across the cold, still air.
It is here, and I will ride it wherever it shall take me.


Hope glimmers in the distance
past the dark and dreary murk that has amassed over time
Confusion turns to problem solving 
and I wonder
Why was I so worried in the first place?
Sure the journey was long
and arduous
but what is a life without struggle?
Through resistance, strength is built
and tasks that were once extremely difficult become
somewhat bearable.
We learn responsibility through making the right choices.
By choosing to do what is right, 
we also learn accountability, are you listening?
The fundamentals of life is learning,
and applying your knowledge to your life;
in a way that is productive and not cruel.
Try to do right by yourself and others,
apply the golden rule to your application of knowledge,
and you will be that glimmer of hope
to someone as mine is to me.
Strive for excellence
resist your defeat
Life is what you make of it and I live mine full of hope and grace. 

Speak It

Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...