His Glory

My life, my light, the only way
How is it I was without
My spirit does behold thee
Your lavish love, devout

I remain in captivity
To your tenderness yet, dread
Illumination of my being
My flaws, my thoughts, regrets.

So deeply you have moved me
So ingrained you have become
Entwined within my inner self
My heart strings, you do strum

Oh just a whisper of your voice
Completed me yet, still
I crave you more than ever, now
I pine for you to fill

My body 'til I'm overflowed
Brimming, overwhelmed
With joy, and gladness, peace and love
Such Mercy, you've bestowed

You can Have it

Is this what it has come to?
                                                 We have drawn the line between the blind and the even more blind?
See, you settle for the half truth and condemn the things I know; 
You think God is pleased with globalization 
and the prostitution of our lands for exploitation-
Pollution and degradation of  our land
that God created to sustain us?
It only amounts to the rich becoming richer and the poor
becoming more destitute. 
You say, blame the poor man, and 
his inability to 'make it in this world' 
however that's just what the wealthy desire you to think. 
We vilify the hungry children and glorify the white collar criminals; 
Martha Stewart, Maddoff, I bet most of you have
 no idea of what the other side has been doing by: 
waving one hand to distract the masses 
and stealing your money right from under your... Nose. 
You don't see the externalities 
of the costs of the goods of mass production
 Try: slavery, dishonest business deals, and the horrendous rape and violating 
of the human rights of human beings- 
people like you and me.
You think its cool to destroy resources of a nation,
 yet you demand to know why there is a
 rapid depletion of this nation. 
Have you noticed that you and I are 
becoming less like the wealthy and more
 like those you despise? 
How about you peel the wool from up over your eyes
 and, see who truly benefits from this. 
The rich keep getting richer, 
the economy is rocked, 
yet you only concern yourself with your
 contrived poor man's plot. 
Please. Do not close your mind 
to things you do not understand. 
There is more to this picture than the tiny portion
 you choose to fixate upon.
 Like, don't get me wrong 
we each can have our own opinion, 
but do not spite me for seeking something deeper,
 I just want this world to be a better place 
but I see the light becoming weaker and weaker- 
And all because we want the American dream.
 The rich man has us fooled into thinking
 its all the poor mans fault.
 Is it not painfully obvious that we should be trying to lift them up 
to our level with the Lord as opposed to trying to obtain what the rich mans got?
 Don't be fooled by their deceit and trickery 
all you got to do is open up your eyes 
and see the truth for what it really is. 
The spirit of entitlement applies to 
more than just the poor,
 it applies to a society that is never satisfied 
it always wants more and so- 
we the automatons
 are mass produced according to 
the media and the government 
no matter what we say we feed the establishment,
 the monster we created is now recreating us, 
our mindsets. 
Well, you can have it. I see a world crying out for help, God use me. 

Speak It

Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...