Full Circle

I am imperfect, unfinished
come full circle and I wonder
whose tail am I chasing
and what tale am I trapped in this time?
Forced to hear yet another rendition
of the same story and this
one sounds better than the last
and I put everything
I've got into
understanding it this way
only to find my hands are able
to poke holes in the lining
and watch the water drip
out creating
a false
rainstorm on the top of my head
and my parade is suddenly ended
So onto the next
come full circle once again
to start from the beginning
which is the unfortunate ending of
something I had so much
faith in and the
is nearly too much for me to bare
my thoughts are common
not rare

Speak It

Love and Hate Serious words They have deep meanings But we use them in ways that show We don't fully understand We speak them...